The Debrief: Pro-Life Outreach

He Cherry-Picks From Science and He's Okay With That

Created Equal Season 2 Episode 70

Ep 70.  We encounter many inconsistent thinkers, but it's not too common to meet someone who blatantly admits that they think inconsistently, and is okay with it.  Maggie met someone like this at the University of Cincinnati and was, frankly, completely baffled at his line of reasoning (or lack thereof).  Come debrief with us for this last episode of season 2!

Show Notes
Watch this episode's Gopro clip on our Instagram!
Nancy Pearcey talks about the fact/value split in the introduction to her book Love Thy Body.
The account of Jesus and Nicodemus is found in John 3:1-21 (specifically verse 8).
C.S. Lewis said, "I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it, I see everything else."
If we have any atheist listeners, we would love to get your thoughts on why you believe humans are valuable (if you do believe that).  Message us!

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